Looking for music called "The corporate"

Hi all,

I’m new in Audiojungle. I have downloaded a music preview called The Corporate, yesterday i decided to purchase this track for my project. Unfortunately I forgot the Author name, and so many The Corporate in search results.

D-Music have similar music but is not the same as the preview.

here is the preview file. http://we.tl/T8LnayW8b1

Thank you

James Leong

You can use soundizer in future for this kind of searching. http://sample.soundizer.com/?SearchBy=mp3

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hi , i think that u are talking about MegaMusic 's one (Nikola) , but the link that he put here was not yet completely approved and we was about to have it accepted in the marketplace

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The track you have put to search for is this : http://audiojungle.net/item/inspirational/12686213?ref=soundizer
And the track you named “The Corporate” is this : http://audiojungle.net/item/the-corporate/13004453

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By the way, thank you for the purchase and don’t forget to rate!
Cheers :smile:

Thanks for your info!
Soundizer is a good tool, thanks for the recommendation.


Thanks! got it

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i thought so :wink:

hey Nikola, i will ask for referral lol hahahah i am an efficient seller of your art lol kidding but i was almost sure that he was referring to your superb work of the other day and i am happy that the two of u could get satisfied with this transaction :wink:

did you find it?

Yes, thank you

I think there’s about 10,000+ tracks named that or similar… :wink:

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