Looking for Exclusice music developer

Hi , finally me and my friends , we will start shooting a new feature movie. Before shooting a new movie , we want to music of the trailer , with 2 minute length.
Our film will be a superhero - marvel style. and we have low budget to start. If you interested contact me for detailed information.

Hello! This sounds interesting so I’ve sent you a message regarding what it is my music can do for you!

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Hey Youmotion,

Just PMed you.

Best regards.

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Hi there Friend,
Just sent you a message.

I hope we can work together,

With respect,

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I’d love to hear more about your movie! I have well over 50 original compositions waiting to be used for film projects that might suit your movie. Or if you prefer, I could write and record custom new music.

Please contact me for samples.

Good luck with your movie!

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Good luck at shooting film! :wink:

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Hey Check out those files and if you want something like that pm me ! or send a mail at nicktzios@hotmail.com
i can provide a massive sound design !
Massive Blockbuster
Heroic Blockbuster
Hollywood Blockbuster pack


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Please don’t contact me