Looking For an Internal Company Project Proposal Template

I’m working on a proposal to convince my company that we should upgrade our current book-based manuals and tutorials to an interactive, tablet-based format. I’ve looked at dozens of project and product proposals both here on envato and elsewhere, but haven’t found any template that matches my needs.

This proposal would be for internal company use only, demonstrating the various advantages a tablet would provide over a traditional book in regards to manual, tutorial, and reference pages for a proprietary piece of software. A basic outline would include:

  • Cover Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Overview/Summary
  • Features
  • Comparison Table and/or Chart (i.e, Features available from a tablet vs. a book)
  • Timeline of Implementation
  • Pricing Comparison
  • Risks and Mitigations
  • Conclusion

If you know of any template that resembles the above or could be easily adapted to such a format, I would be most grateful. I would also be open to working with someone to create a custom template, but my own timeline for this project is short. If you have any other questions or need any other specifications, please ask. Thanks for reading and any input you can give.

Hello there,

It’s better to find the closest one and keep me informed about the modifications you need. We can discuss the details and I could offer a price for the job.

If you’re interested in, you can drop me an email anytime : gmail(at)moskvayigit.com

