Looking for alternative way to look for audio

Dear all,

Im looking for an alternative way to search for audio beside soundizer.
The result from soundizer is not the audio that I downloaded, is not the same audio that I want.

I hope you guys can help me out.

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Hey @blinkeyes,
You can try audiojungle search engine, just choose genre and type duration of a track, tempo. It’s not hard to find what you looking, but a little time consuming.
As well you can post preview file here, someone will help to find it.

Dear all,

Here is the preview files that Im looking for.


looks like this item is no longer available.

I’m afraid that there is no other search engine available.

But we are found that preview file is saving with all the needed data in its name when you click “Save link as” instead of “Download Preview” button.

Yes, this is a bug, and it must be fixed. Take a look at this thread. It is dedicated to your issue.

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