Logo design rejected for quality standard required

Hello, Everyone!
We are new in Envato marketplace. Recently we have uploaded our first logo item to Graphic River and get rejected for “quality standard required” but we did not stopped our work. We have tried 2nd time for logo design and submit another design but unfortunately It has been rejected for same reason “quality standard required”.

We can not identify what actually going on. What should we have to improved in our design strategy. Please give suggestions.

Our First Logo Design

Our 2nd Logo Design

For the first one you have issue with proportions and balance between elements and white space. Also with so many blue tones looks busy and doesn’t work on small sizes.

The second one doesn’t have a concept. Those gradients that you used doesn’t help.

as for me i like both but the first one this is true that the positioning of the texture is not optimized it should be bigger inside and there should be no line crossing where this is bothering to read .i personally do not think there is a problem with white space but with the fact that the logo is slanted and i tend to believe that the lack of tagline did not help to have these logos accepted

for the first logo pls check my answer to design something
for the second one i think the main issue is that the shapes and texts are too thin and that the texture inside is almost invisible indeed, plus flagging the text in the middle is not a good idea if u ask me … i mean on the horizontal version, flagging both name and tagline on the left looks more logical