Hi I’m very new with being theme author.
I just launched the first theme and the sales looked good at the first month.
Since the theme has no more been featured in the top new files, I could notice that the view is significantly becoming lower.
For the new author or non Elite author, we don’t have any special support from envato with the promoting and that even makes it more difficult for the product to be viewed. Every new author has to be self-reliant and that’s why I’m now trying to buy some ads to promote it, at least make people can see my theme more.
I’m now using the channel like webdesignerdepot as my first channel and now waiting for the result.
Please share your thought, which channel have you used to do promoting your theme or any suggestion?
This will be very helpful for anyone who has limited budget but try to promote the theme.
Any opinion is open.
I found this article A guide to marketing creative products which I think it’s quite useful for everyone.
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I think the best you can do is to reach some influencers in your field (people that has blogs about DV, CMS or Wordpress itself) and convince them to write something about your product. If it’s good and you give it to them for free, i’m sure they would like to write about it. Or maybe you can write the articles -in an excelent writting quality- and take off some work from them.
I’m not into the Worpdress field, we’re on Audiojungle, but it seems a good strategy for me.
Anyone giving more tips?
Or you can pay for blog articles.
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and which blog is good enough to promote our themes?
@SnailMusic That’s also the problem, I don’t really know the influence in this field who will review for free just to trade with the theme.
In optional, I’ve seen many theme directories like 20 creative themes and etc.
For me as a theme author, I don’t really think that would be effective, if your theme is not ranked at the top of the list.
About paid review, I have not yet tried but after did some asking, the cost is pretty hight and I might not be able to afford it.
And buying banner, honestly I don’t think it works well. Most of the visitor from banner is not the real customer.
The one with good rank on Google for your theme niche.
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I think advertising on social media platforms like facebook and twitter is also good.
These are the websites with good traffic colorlib, webdesignledger, creativebloq or smashing magazine. I don’t think it’s going to help boost the sale much, since there will be many of contents everyday. Your paid content will disappear from the first page within a week.
@janxcode_team yeah social media might be a good choice.