Joomla [Hard Rejected] What is wrong with my theme? Please HELP!

Hi all.

I made my first theme in Joomla, and it has been Hard Rejected today. I am new to themeforest and read their help files as guideline. Watch out for the violation of Envato’s policies and did everything right, I hope so.

I got this message from reviewer:

Unfortunately your submission The News - News/Magazine Joomla Template isn’t ready for ThemeForest and cannot be resubmitted as it did not meet our minimum requirements for quality and/or Envato Market policies. In order for submissions to be considered for sale they must be of high aesthetic and technical quality, unique to our library and cannot be in violation of Envato’s policies.

My demo link is:

If you guys please give me some of your valuable advice to point me what I can do with it for get approve, this will be very helpful for me.

Write, please, what can be wrong.

Thank you all for answers.

Best regards,


The biggest problem in my opinion is typography . Read this before:

I enclose a screenshot on your site to understand.

You also have serious design problems ( central alignment, shadows, responsive problemes, buttons design) . Try to go on a cleaner design. Your site looks like a news site 7…8 years ago. Try to come up with something new.

I enclose a concept ( from Behance ) of a news webssite today to understand actual standards .

Good Luck !

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Thank for you reply and lot of tips and suggestions. I will try to change most things that you wrote.

Just want to say that before working on the site I looked here on Envato’s what Joomla templates are in that category. And most are this type.

But remember, Envato always wants something new! If we create something that already exists … where is evolution? Good Luck !

Yes you are right. I will try to make more adjustments to the site, using your advice

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