I have receive a hard rejection.
So I’d like to understand, what should I improve in my project?
Or project is awful and better to start new one?
Please, give me a feedback!
Here is my project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu5jqYoJeM4&feature=youtu.be
Thank you!
It’s only tips you can follow them or not, the transition animations look like a lot of basic gives a worked in it, the input “time” of the texts still seems out of cinergy with the background animation,
All videohive projects have a touch of excellence or something that makes them unique. Take a look at the latest “short slideshow or slideshow” projects and try to learn some techniques and apply in your project so that it becomes unique
I hope I have helped, and do not be discouraged every time you receive a rejected you will be closer to an approval
Have excellent sales! 
Sorry, English is not the language of my country.
Thank you for your answer! I appreciate it! Every feedback important for me! I’ll try to make it better:)
Original fonts? Or with glow effects?
Probably change the fonts to some sans family fonts or use nexa font or bignoodle titling
and regarding the transitions and appearance of texts on the video looks bad, maybe just create a lower third and add it to the video instead floating texts ouuta no where. but I would like to see more templates from your side, it inspires me not to create these mistakes. cheers next time ope you get approval