item not working on latest android sdk . Author not responding I need refund

Hi ,

I have purchased this product 3days back it is not working .

I am not getting any support from author .

I need refund


Items from Mobile category don’t come with Author support.

If you are eligible to get a refund then you can request for a refund. Can I Get A Refund is an explanation of the refund policy.


The latest version that the item is supported with Android 9.0.
If you’re using different version, it won’t work and as @mgscoder suggested, if you have downloaded the item already, you cannot request a refund

If you can upgrade to the latest version . It will help us otherwise no use.

Hi Envato,

I am Sorry I was trying in android api 34. I have downgraded the android sdk version. It is working now.

Thanks. Regards