It will be approved in themeforest

Probably, most likely, no… It’s not even finished.

With respect there’s no chance.

It looks like a poorly adapted version of a freebie HTML.

That aside

The attention to details is non existent

Copy/paste thumbnails and images feels unfinished

Lots of duplicate coy/past content feels unfinished and lazy

Blog posts are not really posts and just an image and unformatted block of text

Most pages in the footer nav are still just coming soon and the ones that are just a few columns of text and not styled or formatted in any way

No, not even close…

please check it .(updated)

please check it

With respect there’s zero chance of approval

Still looks a lot like it’s based on the same freebie file

Complete mess on mobile

Copy/paste content feels unfinished

Most links in the footer navigation don’t work

Weak styling generally

Nothing special or unique and feels outdated not finished… it will not get approved!