Hello there,
I did upload an item to ThemeForest, and one thing is that the HTML version of the item is already approved, I taken the right for the next js version. i made a next js version of the html item. but my item is rejected. What is the problem with the item? i don’t understand. Can anyone see my item ? https://etherino.vercel.app/
please provide a ThemeForest Rejection massage.
Hi Md Sohel,
Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Etherino | NFT Marketplace React NextJS Template” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.
We appreciate the effort and time you’ve put into creating your item. And we’d be happy to help make sure your next entry will meet our submission requirements. Here’s our advice:
Visit our forums and ask fellow authors for feedback. Our helpful community will be glad to lend a hand.
Check out this Help Center article to understand why and how items get rejected.
Remember you can get help in the form of tutorials on Envato Tuts+.
We hope to see a new submission from you soon!
All the best!
Envato Quality team
Still have questions? Contact our Help Center.
@BenLeong @Kristinbrodie @KingDog @collis @charlie4282 @mgscoder
Hello Themeforest Team,
Something similar happened with me today. I can not understand that how’s work reviewer team some times.
I am elite author. My HTML Template already approved and available in themeforest market and it has good sale. but, though, Today, React Template version item has been rejected without any reason. Just said: unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward.
I was already mention all details in message of reviewer box when upload. though, React template version has been rejected.
I’m not understanding the reason. which type of quality they needed.
Recently my 3 react next item rejected. And send me same email! Anyone here approved getting hard rejected react item and how to solve the problem?
Hi All,
There is no guarantee that your approved item’s family product will get approve. Each category has it’s own quality standard (quality level for sale on Envato) and Commercial demand.
You can check this article:
Hi @TwinkleTheme ! It seems like we are on the same boat. I also have been trying to get my ReactJS project on Themeforest. Maybe we could share and together we could find out what we are missing out. I have been exploring Themeforest for more than 3 months. Unfortunately, my last potential React app was rejected.
For etherino: It seems that some elements are missing the font-family because it shows me with the font “Times New Roman”.
Try to show with another style what is inside .jumbotron.countdown.show