Advice on my hard-rejected item (React template)

Hi there,
I’m a new author and my first item was hard rejected, I would like any advice on how to improve.
Here is demo. It is built using React typescript and Tailwindcss
Thank you very much
@mgscoder @unlockdesign @XioxGraphix

Hi @NghiaxChis, your design is not a complete design. Used same content copy paste job with few different style. All pages have the same content layout. You have to make the template premium with commercial values. You can check most recently approved template to get an idea about design, features and demanding content. Thanks

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I agree with mgscoder, and I think their point is the biggest downfall of your item.

I’m only seeing the mobile version right now, but there is a lot that I like and that I think you did really well, there just isn’t enough real variety.

Some specifics that I personally think could be improved.

  • The emojis next to the titles seem weird and out of place. I’m not completely opposed to using icons in this way, but it would add a lot more value if these were custom designed.
  • I like the blurry gradient background, but it looks like there’s a bit of cut between each section, maybe that was intentional to help divide the sections, but it also looks like it might be a mistake.
  • Speaking of dividers. While scrolling through it can be difficult to tell when I’m in a different section, especially when everything has the same general look of contained image in a white box with rounded corners. There’s no visual hierarchy to the overall site, there’s nothing breaking it up, it’s essentially just a page full of cards.

Overall I think you did a good job. From what I see it seems competently built, most individual design elements are nicely done, and I like some of the touches you made such as the progress bar in the header when on article pages. It just needs more variety and a proper structure.


Hi @mgscoder @XioxGraphix,
Thank you very much for your advice. You guys are so kind.
Wish you all the best :love_letter:

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I was got approval on my first item after 3 hard rejects. Don’t give up :blush:


@ThemeGer Your words have given me more motivation :balloon:
Thank you very much

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