Hello community, it is amazing to be part of themeforest.
I’ve been working hard expending the last 4 months learning a lot and after a soft reject and theme been reviewed 10 times (LoL) my first themeforest item was approved. I felt amazing and it was such an achievement for me. I felt so great!
After one week I had 13 sales which seems to be great, except for the fact that they stopped all of the sudden and right now I feel like a themeforest ghost hhehehehehhe Why is it so hard for new theme authors to be valued? I really believe in my work and on my theme.
What happened? Is this normal? Of course I wont give up and I am already working on my second theme, I would like just to have more clarity about the sum of work I’m gonna spend on future projects. Because, the way it is right now, it is clear that I wont make a living from this.
It doesnt seem fair that themeforest gets 70% of profit and I still have to invest on adwords… it seems so odd to me because traffic and visibility should be the major reason why to invest energy, time and knowledge here… and not just one week of visibility. Or may be not? I really dont know… perhaps if some of you share your own experience we could learn more. I am glad! Thank you!
Envato is a great platform for amplifying the effectiveness of the marketing work that authors do for themselves. If you send a few customers to Envato who purchase your theme, Envato’s search algorithm keeps you fresh, and can end up sending a lot of traffic to you. In short: send a few customers to Envato and Envato sends a lot more back at you.
It’s also a good idea to join the affiliate program, so even if the traffic you send ends up purchasing another item, you get 30% of the sale if it’s a new customer and you’ll subsidise you own earnings.
Some authors get lucky and achieve sales successful immediately, but it’s a lot more reliable to make your own luck
Of course, building a product that customers want is important, but giving that product visibility externally to Envato is also important too
Try different things. Get your product reviewed by bloggers or publications, experiment with advertising, create and grow a blog. There’s a lot you can do to take your growth into your own hands. Experiment, make mistakes, learn and adapt.
@guimbento Perhaps you should reconsider investing time and money in yet another theme? The ROI for building and selling themes on TF has been on a steep decline for the majority of authors the past years. Perhaps you should explore other venues for making money off your creative talents.
Are you saying that authors with high traffic products are ranked higher then other authors?
I see, so I need to attract more traffic to evato, using my theme’s page as referral and this will be used for better exposure…
Hopefully my theme will be accepted on awwwards this week… maybe with a few more good rates it could get more traffic and more sales… what do you think?
I am new to themeforest but I’ve been developing themes for many years now, may be I’ll just sell my new themes on other marketplaces as well. I wont give up until I reach the position I desire as themeforest author.
For sure. While ThemeForest is definitely more competitive than it used to be, there are still many new authors who manage to crack the code to success. Quality, and a little bit of your own marketing work are great places to start.