Is the category page working?


Today i visited the blog/magazine category and it is displaying the old design only with the best sellers:

Before that the blog/magazine category was displaying a design similar to this: (by blocks).

Is it intended or it is just me?



yes your first screenshots design is the new approach to display Items. Default Best Sellers but have options to choose ‘Newst’, ‘Best Rated’, ‘Trending’, ‘Price Accending/Decending order’.


Maybe this is another A/B testing. I don’t know why Envato is trying a lot of testing cases this year, this makes the Market unstable. When the buyers get used to the new design, they do change to another testing case with another layout. It’s confusing everyone. Please decide to apply 1 design for the category page and keep it for a long time.

In my opinion, I suggest Envato switch back the old design with the default filter is New Item. It will solve all problems here. Look, my WordPress item has just been released at the first price only $13 for intro price. In a whole discount day (Monday), it got zero sales. This is the big problem because it’s not easy to publish an item nowadays. Author can’t live if the item got just a few sales. I think authors will not create the big themes with a lot of features at this moment. It cost too much but the income is just a penny.



Sorry, but i was not talking about the sort filter (pills), i was talking about this page:

It’s not available anymore.



Please check this link (Wordpress => Popular Items) the design has updated:


@mgscoder sorry but that design was applied about 3 - 4 months ago, i was talking about the latest design for subcategories like blog/magazine, they added a block based design about 1.5 months for some categories pretty similar to this image:

Anyway, thank you for your reply!

@bkninja could you attach a screenshot of the blog category? thank you!

@EstudioPatagon Sure, it’s the old design

Thank you for your reply!

Probably this is another A/B test but there is no official answer yet.