Is it possible to get a refund on Site Credits depostited?

Hi I made a couple of deposits over time but I have not used the money because the need never arose, now I would like to withdraw the money for other uses, but I am finding this difficult. Is this possible and If so, how?
I sent an email to the helpdesk but it was ignored

It’s pretty rare unless you have not spent any of the credits added.

Even then only support would be able to help. How long ago did you contact them?

Envato Help & Support Center

Hi I actually have not spent the deposit.
I sent a message yesterday, but it has not been acknowledged or responded to.

Does the rarity imply that I might have to spend the credits? The refund is around 300 dollars. I don’t plan to buy anything for a couple of months.

I do hope this can be resolved.

To be honest only support can answer this.

They usually reply quite quickly but may take a day or two

Thank you. I’ll sit tight and wait for them.
I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
Let’s hope they respond before too long.