Is it extended license

Hi There!
One of interested customer has asked a question this morning. Can anyone help letting us know if he need to buy an extended license or a regular one. Here is the text from his email:
I would like to purchase the ******* theme for use on a commercial site that will involve users paying for a service. They will be paying for a physical logistics / shipping service, although the site / software will assist in arranging this service. I am not sure if this is possible with the regular license from themeforest…

@KingDog @natman can you help me answer this if you are online?
Looking forward to hear.


As long as the users will be able to access the end product (which is the final customized theme, not his service) for free, then a Regular License is fine.
Just like an owner of a web store who wants to use a theme from TF to display his products, if his users will be able to access and see the theme for free, then a Regular License will be fine.

I think Envato has explained it very well in the FAQs page, take a look here.

Hope that clears things up.

@OsamaSayegh is right - it sounds like regular will be enough.

It kind of depends on what the service is and if it is a one off or a recurring subscription (that would change it to extended license).

Regular License will be enough.