Is envato elements subscription different from themeforest

I want to know whats the difference between Envato elements and Themeforest. If I have an Envato elements subscription can I get ThemeForest themes for the website under Envato subscription?

Themeforest is a one off purchase of a single item that comes with 6 months support and lifetime updates (as long as the item remains for sale on the marketplace).

Elements requires a subscription which gives you access to a choice of themes, but where you are not guaranteed the support or updates that come with themeforest purchases.

You also need to remain subscribed when completing any project using a download from envato elements.

Some items exist on both marketplaces, some are exclusive to only one.

@charlie4282 With the envato subscription is this item (on themeforest) the same version as this one on envato? One say v4 and the other 3 or is this just because it hasn’t been updated in the description?