Is EastWest symphonic choir worth it?

this word will sound like a huge mess if you just type it in.
Since a simply typed word will be interpreted the following:

beginning consonance for a few milli secs, than hold on the first vowel.
When key released, fire everything after this one vowel as FAST AS POSSIBLE.
So your word will sound like:
Just a lot faster than you can read it.

You’ve got to know how a choral singer would phrase the word. And phrase it like that in the wordbuilder. probably “su” “per” “ca” “li” “fra” “gi”…

Hmm, well there must be a way to control the accents of the vowels and duration of each syllable, maybe try capitalizing the letter in the beginning of each syllable.

you’ve got complete control over volume and duration of each letter!
You can even combine different voweles or cons to achieve an ä or ö sound.
Than you have control about blending the vowels in and out to creat good transitions.
Than you have special slur, leg and stacc vowel sounds that can be used.

In fact the wordbuilder is it’s own little sequencer. When you press a key, it fires a sequence that you can control yourself.

There is not “the approach” on how to do the word correctly. All depends.
If you are 100% sure about the timing, you can get very good results.
That’s the reason why you should do the word tweaking at the very end of your production.

That sounds pretty nice, I’ll have to give it a try. What was that issue you mentioned before though? You said it doesn’t handle staccato very well?

Yes. The staccato feels more like a marcato to me.
Listen to the very first link I’ve posted. Right at 0:50 where the choir kicks in, that’s pure staccato articulation without tweaking. Not snappy at all.
Following at 0:57, the staccs were manipulated in release time.

Also listen to the demos on their site.

One other thing regarding your musical style:
The vowels and consonances were sampled using the classical singing techniques.
You won’t pull off pop choir sounds from this plugin.

You’re right, for that I need to buy a $10 keyboard from Walmart and set to the the choir setting.

I use mostly Spitfire stuff were everything is pre-panned, but I have used VSL in the past, and I have to say from an orchestration stand point it’s much nicer if everything is pre-panned/positioned. It’s a huge pain in the butt to position everything realistically as it would be positioned in an orchestra, and even when you do it it’s hard to make it sound convincing. Much better to record a modular library and capture the actual positions of each section during recording.

I think most of these kinds of libraries have a lot of annoying noise, especially when you start compressing things, I know the Spitfire libraries do and they are expensive as hell.

Yes it’s all nice for orchestras except for the little part where not everyone always wants to use every section at once and not everyone wants all those groups of frequencies coming from those specific directions.

The Cinesamples one can sound pretty good if you know how to tweak it, but I doubt it’s as versitile as East-West. My choral tracks on here usually use a mix of this VOXOS choir with the one from the ProjectSam Luminia, which again is a bit limited in terms of vowel selection, but can sound really nice in a mix.

here’s an example:

Just a fair warning… im on a windows 7 pro PC and have had nothing but trouble with the PLAY engine.
I have symphonic choirs, orchestra gold, goliath and hollywood strings collecting dust because of the many, many issues i have with the PLAY engine (midi notes not playing back in time, notes hanging, etc).

The libraries all work, and some sound great… but be warned that the engine might crap out on you.
I have kontakt as well and have never had issues.

@RobertSlump I’m on Win 7 pro PC as well and have not had any problems with Play lol. The only time I get hung notes in Cubase is when I have Midi All set for my track input instead of the specific midi controller I’m using (it screws up all my synths/libs - Cubase bug I think).

You should give that a shot if you are using Cubase and maybe it will help because it’s a shame that those libs are collecting dust.

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Maybe it is the play engine, I had problems with it as soon as I got it up and running as most people do apparently.

in my opinion you will use choirs in your whole life not more 10 times ! so buy somethin cheaper like 8dio- or voxos !even olympous elements is nice !