Introducing Hichame Assi, Envato’s new CEO! 🎉

Hello, Envato Community!

On the back of my announcement in August, I’m excited to introduce you to Envato’s new CEO! :tada::tada::tada:

His name is Hichame Assi, and he joins us from HotelsCombined, where he’s been the last 10 years – the last four of which he’s been their CEO. Hichame grew that business from 30 to 300 people, built a global operation, facilitated a sale to, and worked there with a team that’s a little larger than Envato and more spread out globally.

Why Hichame will be an awesome custodian for Envato.
I’m excited about the future of the company and community under Hichame’s leadership for a number of big reasons:

  1. Hichame was one of the candidates who I felt the most aligned with on values. I didn’t feel the need to explain our values to him – these are just his values as well.

  2. He’s got the right kind of tech and CEO experience. He has an almost founder-like CEO experience in terms of scaling up a business, but he also has a tech background in a space that’s similar to ours.

  3. He’s an Envato customer from many years back! He doesn’t just know the business in the sense that he aligns with our values – he’s actually a customer, has customer experience, and no doubt will have customer ideas. He has a strong customer and marketing background so he’s going to be a natural fit for some of the things we’re working on.

  4. He has global experience. Hichame has set up offices in the past in São Paulo, Dubai and Seoul, to name a few, in order to build up local teams.

  5. Finally (and most surprisingly!) Hichame is someone who has done the founder to CEO transition before. So not only has he got CEO experience, he’s got tech CEO experience as well as experience transitioning from company founder to CEO, which is obviously a special kettle of fish all on its own.

The search process was long, but well worth it!

We had some tough criteria to find someone with tech experience and values alignment. There was a large and diverse pool of candidates that we met with – different levels of executives from within Australia as well as internationally. Our candidates had many rounds of interviews with the Board and executive leadership team and also underwent a huge barrage of testing. And out of all of that came Hichame!

The next steps for me.

I’ll be staying on as Chairperson of the Board, and will be empowering Hichame to take the business into the future. We’ll be copiloting for a couple of weeks until he spreads his wings and takes full flight.

After 14 years as Envato’s CEO, I’m super happy, excited and confident to be handing over the reins to someone as values-driven, experienced, and capable as Hichame. Hichame’s mantra for this transition period is ‘evolution, not revolution’ – I think it’s safe to describe Envato’s next custodian as a safe pair of hands. :blush:

Please join me in giving Hichame a warm welcome!

Thanks for reading. The team and I will be coming back to this thread, until this Thursday (22nd October) to answer questions about this announcement. I know these kinds of discussions can easily go off on a tangent, but I’m going to try to keep us on topic: Envato’s new CEO, Hichame Assi.





Congratulations @collis :tada: and welcome @hichameassi :wave:. Thanks for keeping the community updated.


Thanks for the intro Collis. I’m very excited about joining the Envato community.

Hello Everyone,
It’s very nice to e-meet you all. It’s hard to believe, but as Collis mentioned I was a customer of a few of you at some point in 2009 and 2010. I needed some Drupal themes (remember that far back?)… and that was my first interaction with Envato products and services. Over the years I’ve watched it grow and evolve from a distance and often wondered what makes it tick, so I’m really glad to join and be part of this next phase.

This is only my second week in and I’m spending a lot of time listening and learning… trying to get a handle on the key priorities and growth opportunities. I plan to uphold Collis’ legacy in terms of values and ensure that we remain community centric, bringing you qualified and high-intent users!

I’ll keep it short this time, but I intend to engage with you all on this Forum in a few weeks once I have learnt a bit more and have more clarity. In the meantime, it’s great to e-meet you all.

Thank you for your continued support and trust.



Congratulations, Hichame!

I’m so looking forward to seeing how envato market (themeforest, codecanyon, etc) will evolve!

Congratulations @collis as Chairperson of the Board :tada: :tada: :tada:
Welcome and congratulations @hichameassi as CEO of the Board :tada: :tada: :tada:
Best of luck to both of you and the envato community :clap:

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A warm welcome to the community, Hiachame! :tada: Congratulations. I’m excited to see what you have in store for Envato in the future :smiley:

Thanks to @collis !! for this announcing/introducing with envato new CEO.
Welcome @hichameassi to envato community.

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Welcome to the best team in the world :wink:


Welcome @hichameassi to Envato community. I have to admit that I am worried but I hope for the best!!!


Congratulations Hichame and good luck on your future journey with us and Envato :slightly_smiling_face:

Huge congrats! I hope we are heading to new horizons. And thank you, @collis for your great leadereship in ever changing world.

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Congratulations!! :clap: :clap:

Big congrats and welcome @hichameassi !

Sounds good, slow and steady wins the race :slight_smile:

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Welcome aboard! @hichameassi to Envato community.
And congratulations from Canary Islands!


Hello Hichame! :raised_hand: Welcome to our friendly family :^)

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Welcome Hichame :grinning:
I wish you all the best!!!

Great move and happy to hear.
It seems the best pick indeed and we are looking forward to see how it will go.
Top notch experience.
Welcome @hichameassi

We sincerely congratulate you, welcome! :slight_smile:

Welcome @hichameassi ! :smiley: it’s time for next great decade :slight_smile:

Welcome @hichameassi to the Envato community :handshake: wish you all the best :slight_smile: