Since this morning, Thursday, April 1st 2021, it is impossible to connect via the Envato API, Version 2.0.6, to the list of software purchased and updated plugins and themes.
I have checked for the 5 sites that I manage the Personal Token API.
I have this error code which appears on all the sites: The OAuth Personal Token could not be verified. Please check that the Token has been entered correctly and has the minimum required permissions.
Additional Error Details:
Failed to query total number of items in API response.
Too Many Requests
{“request_url”: “https: \ / \ / \ / v1 \ / market \ /total-items.json”, “response_code”: 429, “response_cf_ray”: “638f0bb01e721f11-ENG”, "response_server “:” cloudflare "}
Thank you for responding to me urgently to be able to carry out the updates to which I have subscribed and for which I pay the license to benefit from the updates!
The 429 error code means the system receiving it made too many requests to the API in too short of a time, triggering our rate limiting rules. This is sometimes due to faulty update/validation code, sometimes due to other users on a shared hosting system hitting the same API, and sometimes there are other causes.
Looking at our monitoring tools, I don’t see anything specifically out of the ordinary in our rate limiting events. I will look into the logs for that particular request and see if there are any patterns that could suggest what the problem is.
Question for you, are all 5 sites you mention running on the same system? Specifically, do they share the same outbound IP address?
Hello, all 5 sites are hosting at the same provider. But they don’t share the same outbound IP address. Thank you for the API documentation link. Best, Eric