Impact radius and Behance

Links created using Impact Radius, seem to not work when posted and clicked from Behance: it says the page is offline, I think there’s something wrong with the link generated (but I don’t know really have no idea)

It could be a big deal not to have referrals from Behance, I don’t think I’m doing something wrong because link generated with Impact radius work fine from other websites

The normal link to graphicriver works, I tried multiple times on different products, does somebody know more about it?

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Links created by Impact are already URL encoded, they include for example


which means URL decoded


Behance now URL encode again (double encoding) and that ends in


that URL decoded means


not a qualified part of a link address :wink:

decode the Impact link first at and use the decoded link on Behance, that should work!

interesting thanks Sealord. Another question since you seem to be informed on the topic, do I have to add ?ref=username in the link before decoding it in Impact or it will work without?
For how much time the old ?ref=username links will work? can’t find the infos in the forum here honestly, thanks

According to Envato example video it’s not necessary to add the ?ref= extensions
I have trackings in Impact from links without the extensions.

These links will remain valid if you have linked your Impact account and legacy account …how long …I don’t know.

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