I uploaded a business card 2 weeks ago. But still no reply

I uploaded a business card 2 weeks ago. But still no reply

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can you see your Item in your Dashboard right sidebar in review queue?

No…I upload a new one. Only that is there


If you can’t see your Item in your dashboard right sidebar then your Item has reviewed and you must should receive email of the review result (if you didn’t changed the email notification settings). If hard rejected then you will get only email to let you know hard rejected. If soft rejected you will get email with the issues list exist in your item and tips to fix those and you will see your item in Hidden Items Tab. If your item got approved then you will get a notification email into your inbox (your envato account email address) to let you know that your item got approved. And you will find your approved item in your Portfolio page. sometimes email from reviewer can go in spam, so need to check inbox and spam as well.


there is a lot of email from envato account but i there is no emeil about the business card. My profile page also shows empty.
Maybe I’ll get it later
Thanks you so much for you help

I didnt complete the W form yet…is that the problem?

no, it is not a problem but better to submit as quickly your item will approve to reduce withholding tax. Thanks


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hi this is likely to be in the span folder and normally if the item is not in the queue anymore and not in your portfolio , this is very likely to be due to a rejection indeed (except maybe a potential technical problem …)

can you tell me about the span folder?

and if that is a technical problem, then what i have to do

If you can’t see your item in the review queue on your “Dashboard”, and you don’t have any emails in your “Spam” folder, then it might be a good idea to contact Envato Support.

Just let them know what the item name was, when you submitted it, and they should be able to tell you what the status of it is. Keep in mind that it can take a few days for them to respond, depending on how busy they are with other support tickets, so the more clear information you can give about the problem in your initial support ticket, the faster they’ll be able to solve it.

Thank you so much for your help