I have submitted a file (more than a week ago), I saw it in the dashboard under you have n items in the queue, but now it is not there anymore, it’s not into my portfolio, and I haven’t received any email (e.g., saying that there is a problem).
If you can’t see your Item in your dashboard right sidebar then your Item has reviewed and you must should receive email of the review result (if you didn’t changed the email notification settings). If hard rejected then you will get only email to let you know hard rejected. If soft rejected you will get email with the issues list exist in your item and tips to fix those and you will see your item in Hidden Items Tab. If your item got approved then you will get a notification email into your inbox (your envato account email address) to let you know that your item got approved. And you will find your approved item in your Portfolio page. sometimes email from reviewer can go in spam, so need to check inbox and spam as well.
a) I cannot see the item in the dashboard right sidebar
b) I have active the Item review notifications
c) No email in my inbox, nor the spam folder
d) Nothing in the Hidden Items
I think your item got Hard Rejected and somehow email notification got missed. If you are interested you can Contact Author Support and let them know. Thanks