I just made a WP Onepage theme with new excellent Onepager page builder. What do you think, can I submit it to TF or there is still a way to improve it?
Your feedback is greatly appreciable.
Theme Link:- http://twing.demo.themefisher.com/
Onepager Plugin Link: http://www.getonepager.com
Also if an author uses something like this rather than proper coding then it would be quite possible that they won’t be able to support it (check recent update requirements) if it is not their code or they do not know how to .
It’s fun concept but not really for selling items here
Would you please explain a bit, why you feel its not good fit for TF. OnePager will do the builder part and you have to build all your blocks inside your theme. Just like other theme.
OnePager give you the API and building part with few example block to get you started.
Looks great both your plugin and the theme. Why don’t you attempt to submit the item and explain in your submission that you are the creators of the plugin as well. Nobody in here can give you the assurances you are after, that’s a sure thing.