I can't update Fusion Builder and Fusion Core


I’m French and i would ask you to apologize me for my english.

So, i have a problem/bug, i don’t know why but i have this message : “automatically update don’t work for this extension” (page : /wp-admin/plugins.php)

And when I tried to do it from “wp-admin/admin.php?page=avada-plugins”, i have this message : “Something went wrong with the plugin API”… If i go back in this page: plugins are deactivated.

My version of Avada : Version 5.1.6
My version of Wordpress: 4.7.4–fr_FR
My version of Fusion Builder : 1.1.5
My version of Fusion Core: 3.1.5

Can we update this plugins otherwise ?

Thanks for your help.

The Themefusion folks have an awesome support centre. If you reach out to them they’ll sort you out :slight_smile:
