I cant find the music they use on a video template

Pls someone help.
I try to find what music the creator used for a video template. I search for hours and really cant find it.
Can someone help me how to search it more efficiently ?

You can post the music here, there’s a slight chance someone might recognize it.

Do you know if the music is from AudioJungle?
If so, be sure to make use of the filters, such as genre, BPM, and length.

From what I’ve heard, the following options don’t work well for AudioJungle music, but you can try using services like AHA Music or the mobile app Shazam.

Have you thanked the video template author for wasting your time? Crediting the music is mandatory! Not doing so is a lack of respect for the music author as well as for the buyer.

How come this is still a thing? It’s been three years and Envato has yet to come up with a solution.

Thank you very much for your answers.
here is the template is from audiojungle of course

Here you go:

@TCHmusic, your music is being used without being credited. You should remind the author of the video template that it’s mandatory!

Thank you very very much! i was looking in envato elements , i thought audio jungle music was included when you have paid for envato elements. How did you find the music ?

Marketplaces (Videohive, Audiojungle,…) are a different thing from Elements. Elements has a limited portfolio compared to the marketplaces.

The best way to find the music (other than ask the video template author to abide to the rules) is to check the Elements item in Videohive where the music is usually properly credited. Have a look at this video put together by Audiojungle authors:

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Well the author did mention the music as i saw now in a pdf file inside the project folders.
I used to work with motion array and it was confusing for me. But now i know. Thanks very much again.