I can't download any content

there’s 2 messages : “Sorry we messed up”, and “oops something went wrong”

Everything was going great until one minute ago.


I can’t even access my account!

Same… These are the errors I’m getting. can’t open any pages, or DL anything.

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OK, I guess it’s not just me then. I am unable to sign in on Elements.

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How do we get an Envato support team member in here?

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Well, I was a bit concerned… I thought it was just me… I hope they fix this soon… I have work to do!!!

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this is a site wide issue, not a problem with any individual item
see pics ion my 1st post…

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Também preciso trabalhar e é URGENTE!

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Envato - let’s get this fixed fast - I’m dying here. This is not okay! :frowning:

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Hello you site on Elements say me “Invalid SSL certificate”
But don’t worry, our development team will be notified of the issue automatically.

Still not working? Contact Support.

I’ve seen several posts about this issue, be assured you are not alone.
I hope the have it fixed soon!


Update - envato has restored functionality to the elements site and are continuing to monitor for any issues

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