I have purchased the HOXA theme. But when I am going to register, it is going for loading and loading. But it is not accepting my registration. I have sent email to contact support to King Theme ( http://king-theme.com). They are not replying us. We are really shocked. What will be a solution, can anyone suggest me, please?
Okay then get in touch with Envato Customer Success and share details with Envato Support Team Member about author behavior.You can raise a dispute or ask for refund.
Hope they will help you to getting support.
May be they are spending week end. Please keep patience if they not reply within Monday then you can contact Envato support. In the mean time please check docuemntation and also you can try with different browser as like google chrome with clear browser cache.
Also to get in touch with Author you can post comments in theme Comments. So that auhtor came to know you have sent them email.
I have seen the theme has last updated: Last Update 27 April 16
and theme Software Version WordPress 4.6.1
So, I think Comaptibility issues there, the theme is not compatible with wordpress 5. Are you using wordpress 5? If yes you can install classic editor (free) and try (I am not sure but may be work for you with visual composer). Otherwise please post Comments in theme Comments and let them know you have sent them email and you need argent support.