How many days envato takes to withdrawals through swift

How many days it takes to withdrawals through swift. i have been send an withdrawals request at 18 -feb-2018.
and i found it as a pending request on withdraw page with this message “Your withdrawals will be processed on March 15, 2018”.

Does it really takes a month to withdraw (swift) ? If yes, can i able to cancel this request and withdraw my money via payoneer ?

No matter which method you select Swift or PayPal it will be processed on March 15, 2018.

Payment is every 15th in the month - earnings from March (if you have enough) will be on April 15, 2018 and so on

OMG that’s mean i have to wait another month to get my money.
i can’t believe it :frowning:

Anyway thanks for your reply.