I’ve only been on AudioJungle for a short time and I’m still building my exclusive portfolio here. My question is for more established authors - and I know that this will have different answers for everyone. How long did it take for you to see some meaningful momentum in terms of sales? I promise this isn’t a “why aren’t my items selling” post! I’m more curious than anything if there was a particular tipping point (portfolio size, time) where you started to see a regular income. For reference, I’ve made two sales in the 2-3 months I’ve been here with 7 items. Your insight would be so interesting. Thanks!
I make around 10 sales per month and I have 256 items, nothing “meaningful”, but I’m pretty sure I could do much more uploading better quality tracks and putting a little of effort into advertisement. By the way my average income didn’t change even after years so there must be something wrong about my marketing strategy. (My experience as humble author here on AJ)
Thanks! That’s a decent sized portfolio, I hope to one day get there!
The volume of your sales depends on many-many things like: how diversified your portfolio is in the view of musical genres you have uploaded, have you ever tried different advertising forms on different social platforms, the design of your profile page, the use of your collections…
Check out this article is very useful at the beginning IMO:
Hi @singhstudio,
For me it took about 6 months to start selling regularly. First months I was lucky if I sold a song a week (but it felt amazing when it happened!). Now it’s a bit more regular.
But to be honest, I feel it’s all down to luck. I tried a lot of thing to promote my music, most of it failed, youtube helped a bit, but I just got lucky that some tracks gained momentum over others. I wish I could figure out how it happens to have repeat steady sellers, but I’ve been unable to do so.
Anyway, best of luck with your tracks. They’re quite useable and fit here quite well, so it’s probably just a matter of time before you have steady sales.
Really good article @HoneyLoud. Always good to read some proper data on the subject.
Hi @waxpoetic!
I’m happy to help you if I could. Our sales when we registered was OK, after two quarters we reached one amount of money, which is steady month to month (of course we had very weak and very strong months, but we tested a lot of advertising options and this is why we had sometimes big jump-ups or slow-downs in our sales) but thanks to ADP now we feel some difference. Our experience is next: the best way to advertise is to use everything at one time (organic and paid advertising). I mean there is a little secret. When we made a sale like spring sale, we did on both sides, inside the market and outside the market. Inside the market via our profile page & item descriptions. ADP is a great way to increase your sales if you follow the “Discount & Promotional Guidelines”:
Besides this, we use Instagram, Facebook, and Google Ads at the same time.
We tried to create video ads on YouTube but I have much to learn about video advertising, either pay per click advertising. So is hard to stay in the mission because I think these two are the most efficient talking about the results and you have to have a budget for this, for example, we advertise from our saved money
Also, I can understand the authors here is hard to do this single-handed because we are a team and Gregor, my partner just producing music and I do everything on the marketing side, so I really admire the people, authors here who do this alone.
Hi @HoneyLoud - definitely trying to keep my portfolio diversified! Thanks for the article, that’s really helpful!
Thanks so much @waxpoetic, appreciate the kind words. I agree, based on some observation I think luck does play more of a part than we’d all care to admit! I think some more time producing and uploading will give me wider perspective too. Thanks!
I started to see regular income when I decided to only make music that is similar to best selling tracks. I have a tendency to slip into other genres when working and that always kills sales. Portfolio size and time don’t play a big role in my opinion. I had 120 sales a month with 30 tracks in portfolio 3 years ago. Today with 160 tracks I make 60 sales a month. My music is not as relevant as it was. The only advice I can think of to make the snowball rolling is to make relevant tracks that sound and feel like the best ones with a lot of sales.
Funny how creativity can get in the way of creating
That’s an interesting perspective @PhotonicMusic! Did you find that marketing yourself was at all necessary, or were you simply uploading and letting the AJ search/consumer find you themselves?
I used to sell regularly (20-30 sales/months) but now the magic has vanished.
i am on AJ since 2012 maybe… with a very large and diversified portfolio, with more than 1400 sales.
i see a constant decrease in sales since several months
at the beginning, i upladed a lot of tracks all at once, then i constantly grew my portfolio with regular upload. i reached a maximum of sales/months and earning about 1-2 years ago, then the descent began, and i don’t know why!
99% of my buyers came from AJ search. That’s been serving me well until recently All my “marketing efforts” made very little impact if any at all.
Hi guys! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I’m not a frequent seller and not a regular uploader My portfolio is just about 50 items uploaded within 2 years on AJ. Here is my humble experience: earlier there was some connection between uploading and sales, almost every new item sold several times and dragged some older items sales. This year, in my case, I don’t see any reasonable connection… I have uploaded only one piano piece and enjoyed about 15 sales of different items per month, then at the end of March six new tracks were approved, and… sales stopped AT ALL ! Till now I don’t quite understand how this mechanism works…
I see there are authors with great start and cool tracks, whose sales by now tend to zero… I intend to make AJ a full-time job, but there are matters that you cannot control (especially sales), so I have to think hard about it.
Hello! I began to see a steady income in the third month of work (May 2017(stable work on tracks and stable upload)), and the impulse was already 2 hours after the first approved track in March 8, 2017, and for the first month I made 12 sales. This is my humble story!
I’m in the same position @SoundRanger, I’d love to make this my full time job but I’m afraid I might have missed the boat on the AJ heyday of selling!