Hello there,
I bought an After Effects Template wich cannot be used. Is there any way to get a refund? I’m buying for years now on Videohive, Audiojungle and Themeforest and never had a case like that.
Hello there,
I bought an After Effects Template wich cannot be used. Is there any way to get a refund? I’m buying for years now on Videohive, Audiojungle and Themeforest and never had a case like that.
I’m not sure about that you will received refund or not
Customer Refund Policy
If you still have questions, create a ticket to Envato support
I would like to recommend please contact Item Author to get item support How to Contact your purchased Item Author and let them know. Item author will be happy to assist you.
I am in the process of raising a refund request. The link for refunds is on this page: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202821460-Can-I-Get-A-Refund-
So far the original author of the software title rejected my refund request. I am communicating with them in the Support Ticket system too. The next step is I have appealed the rejection to Envato. I will update you on how Envato treats my case.