Help for my Item Apporoval?

I really don’t know what I’m doing wrong. What I need to improve, to be quality standard.
pasword: 123456


As far I checked " OUR FEATURES" tab(section) is not very good is quite baggy and the pricing tables design is not very good. You should improve it and make it a more smooth experience for browsing

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okey thanks,
Do you have any other suggestions?

Good work guys, my openion on your site…
1.Each time pop showing in home page, i did not like each time i click “got it” button.
2. in mobile view header bar some how bigger make it smaller as my openion.
3. work on footer side.
4. and first You have to put valid data in yoir site it should be meaning full.
5. work on footer.
6. reduse the loading time.
all the very best.

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For Admin Penal:
user name:
password: 123456

First of all i am not Reviewer i am just author.
As following your admin link given,
Inside Admin -> I have refered your admin panel, My openion on your admin panel follows…
1.Blog/Portfolio post Loading Taking more load time. Images loading taking more time, so use thumbnails in post tables.
2. In same page showing inputs and Tables(Use datatables if you think so). As per my openion use A. Tables form B. Input Form
3. some of the links of ‘collapse’ in each form, Should be Cursor pointer.
4. Documentation, Customization, Support, Contacts Link not working.
5. Login Page must fit to screen.
Best of Luck to your work.
Thank you

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How to provide buyers with downloadable code if your product is in Laravel?

Do git repo will works or we will upload the entire files and buyers just run composer in stall when they purchased it?

You should upload entire code,database,documentation. code must be open no encryption allowed.

entire code? how about node modules if there’s any? is it okay to give buyer instruction like composer install and npm install after they purchased the code?

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sorry! i dont have knowledge of node.

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You should provide documentation separately with the coding to guide for installation. This is the best practice with the Laravel templates.