LOL i agree with what u said to try to anticipate most of needs, though , u should not do as if the buyer could not update anything … and most of the thing u mentioned, indeed, they can do … this is not a flattened item that they buy all the same … as for me hard rejecting an item for the reason u mentioned would be hard to understand in my view
Soft rejection implies not a big change.
But this item is not ready for sale. IMHO
There are many reasons why Envato cannot (and is not obligated) give feedback when the product is hard rejected. I understand that it is frustrating, but this is the rule of Envato politic
well this is “convenient” in many ways not to give feedback, most importantly … and the item may not be completely ready but , as for me , i am sorry to say just that , but this deserves a soft rejection, details or instructions and the possibility of getting to know what is wrong with this one, so that he just does not get his item binned, while the illustration is very good and so that he ultimately has an opportunity to improve his future items and get this one potentially accepted …
If the item is not ready, then soft reject may give false hope. Because when the author does everything that the reviewer will tell him, and then the reviewer sees that after the changes the item is still not ready for sale, he will have to reject it. In this case, the author will be angry. Put yourself in Envato’s place. These are the rules of the market. Envato cooperates only with professionals. And Envato is not obliged to teach anyone to design. Authors should come here to collaborate, not to study. For study there are institutes, universities, schools, etc. I’m not saying that this design is not professional (I even like it very much), it’s just that it’s not ready for commercial reasons, as I think. In addition, explanations of rejections would take a lot of time from reviewers.
I already wrote an analogy on the forum once:
Someone knocking in your door and asking for buying the cookies (for example), and you reject his suggestion. And now imagine that he are knocking again. You open the door, and he shouts at you, demanding an explanation. Does he have any right to this? If you rejected cookies, then it is your right. And you are not obligated to explain why you did it. If you like cookies, you will buy them.
@romlam @n2n44 Hi, thankyou so much for such a suggestions, ive learned so much. ill try my best. hope u all can help me later.
i am sorry but i can’t agree with u … first of all , there is no way i can agree that a guy has his item binned when this is a quality item and that a little thing to fix would turn into an accepted item … second of all, what u said is not making sense in a way, sorry to tell u just this, but this is how i feel. If people are expected to be professionals, then, in the first place , u have kind of a test to pass and after u passed it, u have no reviewing as u are considering that people know what they are doing as professionals, when this is not what happens here , unless u did not notice … anyone can join and post , now there is a reviewing to guaranty the professionalism of posted items so that teh marketplace is not saturated with quickly done and bad quality stuffs. The approach is way different … in addition, i am sure that people in head office will definitely appreciate this excess of corporate thinking from u but the thing is that “envato teaching design” is much of a dream that u have here … first of all as they do not feel like giving feedback - what would be legitimately after authors make efforts and invest time for the platform - and if anyone could do this , this means that all teams members should be more experienced that all the guys from the roster and we are numerous here to be at least working in teh design industry for 15 years or more … so hard to believe that this is really what happens in reality. Besides, in any case, no matter how experienced and so on u light be, no one has universal knowledge and knows it all about everythin. This is how some items are not making here but are huge success elsewhere , ask many of my friends and u will realize about this … so what is the conclusion according to u? well here is the one that u should draw … some options are taken , in terms of style and so on to determine what is making it or not, so basically not all professional items or marketable or good commercial potential items are making it, which is denying a good deal of what u said
BTW this story of people in HQ knowing what is selling and what has potential or not is just an illusion because, if so, they would never turn down profitable any item and absolutely no item would make it and have no sale at all , when we have some guys here with portfolios of 3000+ items and 700 never been sold … plus, let’s face it part of what we do belongs partly to art and is about emotion, taste and supposed aesthetics, when all of these issues vary from one person to the other and having consensus is almost impossible to obtain
besides your story of cookies is not realistic as the kind of relationship that envato and authors have is different … authors are providing what envato is selling, they are taking a good deal of the money on every single sale and people bringing creations receive no help in the creation field … if we come back to your story of cookies, do u feel like that would be fair to have a guy baking cookies, go to knock at a door of a manufacturer, and having his cookies sent in the trash can and getting no money at all for it and no explanation as to know why?
in any case, even if the cookie thing that u depicted was working as such this is denying any partnership between authors and the platform, which is quite incredible an idea in my view … this is like u integrate an idea of master and slave and this is absolutely not the kind of relationship that authors, in other words , a lot of entrepreneurs want to have here ….
As I said: I don’t think that the a little thing changes will make this item be approved. I think only global changes can help.
Your opinion is different from mine. But I express my opinion. Do not I have this right?
This is because reviewers reject such items. Even professionals can make an uninteresting product (for various reasons).
Your opinion is different from mine. But I express my opinion. Do not I have this right?
I don’t try to think as Envato thinks in this matter. Perhaps our opinions are the same. But this is my personal opinion, despite the fact that I, too, was unpleasant to get hard rejections
It would be unfair if the one who lives behind this door ordered cookies from this seller.
Not. I do not think so. This is a mutually beneficial partnership between two partners that are built on the basis of such rules, no matter how cruel they are. This is a market
this has no interest at all to do as if u were not free to think what u think. The fact is that u are expressing your point of view and same goes with me, these points of view turn out fo differ and that does not mean that we are not both entitled to say what we say. u made your points, i made mine, period, everybody reading will feel you are right or i am right, depending on their personal thinkings
as for me , the thing u referred to , i maintain , are not major issues, unlike what u are saying, but turn out to be side way issues that have more to do with the navigation rather than the graphic part actually and i do not think that it would need so much time as this is all about introducing some additional functions - according to what u seemed to say - to make an approved item out of it. In other words, if i cannot achieve to convince u , same will go with u about how i feel. This is fine in any case.
This is also rather funny that u say what u say about rejected items lol either u do not see anything or you maybe a huge corporatist, this is hard to tell. i do no know what it is. Doing as if there were no really poor items being accepted without anyone can understand how such things have managed to make it , is just incredible or the demonstration of a huge desire to see nothing (because it takes a strong determination to do it). If u wish , i will show u some masterpieces and if u think this is defining quality, i suggest that you put your glasses on LOL
rejections are indispensible, no doubt about it , though anyone knows how hard rejections are felt, i.e as if this was not only a work that was trashed, but the time, the effort , and even the whole person at the same time. Thus, I am wandering how, knowing this , could anybody preach for not having no justification being brought to the table just like u did … isn’t it legitimate to have right to a little respect , even like a premade message explaining superficially what was supposed to be wrong?! because , let’s face there could be kind of « patter » messages mentionning, rework the typo, check that u are respecting all basic design principles (alignment and so on) that could be used depending on cases and the thing would not be much of a super waste of time … but people would feel more consideration
i am sorry to say just this buddy, but not criticizing anything a place is not showing much love to it … sometimes , when u love something or someone, pointing out what is not satisfying, if what u have in mind is a good feeling, this is in no way something that people should consider as bad. All i can tell u , once more about this story of cookies is that a lot of my friends had theirs sent directly in the trashcan and they are making big money out of them somewhere else, which looks a bit contradictory with all what u said …
besides, the mutual partnership that are dealing with , we all expect it to come true but at this stage, unless u want to blind yourself badly, this is simply not what is happening. Right now, u are imposed all kind of decisions without u have anything to say and BTW about the initial issue, i do not know where the partnership is when u get your item binned after taking some time and going through some efforts and that no one has a word to help , even, at least, for your next items, so that u can fix what u may have been doing wrong
i understand that u seem to be a market lover in a general way, and this is definitely what makes u differ greatly because as for me i am happy to be here and thankful that people let me sell my stuff here and earn some additional living but i am not going to to say that all is good because « the market « is determining it, so to speak … as for me i tend to believe that authors deserve respedt and attention and that a market would be nothing if people did not have some goods to offer for sale
At first you say that I just have a different opinion. Then you say: “either you do not see anything or you maybe a huge corporatist”.
You are misrepresenting my words. I did not say that the cookies should go to the trash can. The seller may knock on another door and someone will buy this cookies from him. That’s why your friends sell their items in other markets. Yes, it’s true that to be approved on Envato is harder than in other markets. But this is what makes Envato the market №1. I have seen many competing sites that sell substandard items.
For the rest you have written again what you have already written. And I do not want to write to you in reply, what I have already written. Let’s leave this dispute. I see no reason to continue it. I don’t mind that you have a different look. But to dispute here is still pointless.
what u tried to point out is and u are right, for sure, they are number one this is pretty much the reason, when an item is being trashed here this is very often like actually making this concerned item end up in the trash , period, this is maybe considering the effort that authors had been through could be welcome