Hello, why my wordpress plugin rejected?

Hello, why my WordPress plugin rejected? please help. Not sharing any reason

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They would have provided a reason if it was a soft rejection. A hard rejection indicates there are significant concerns to address.

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There have no option to resubmit. I am new to publish plugin on codecanyon. So not sure what is the issue, How to know what is the exact issue? My plugin working perfectly on my server

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If there’s no option to resubmit and no feedback provided, it’s likely a hard rejection. Even if the plugin works perfectly on your server, the issue might not be about functionality alone. It could be related to design quality, user experience, documentation, or meeting specific Envato standards for WordPress plugins.

You might want to review the WordPress Plugin Requirements to ensure everything is in line with their expectations. If you can share more details about your plugin, like its features or purpose, the community might be able to help pinpoint potential improvements for your next attempt. Keep pushing forward! :blush:


Without seeing your demo no one is going to be able to offer more valuable feedback

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