Hello, my AE project was rejected and I dont know why, can someone help me?

I don’t know, why they rejected this, can someone explain me please?

and is there any way to upload it again?

Did you get ‘‘hard reject’’ or ‘‘soft’’? As with first option you should have received email explaining, that you cannot resubmit your work. From my personal experience and what I see from recently accepted items - it all depends on the luck or the mood of the person who makes the decision, because there are far more less complicated and worse looking projects, than yours that were accepted.

After completing our review, we’ve determined that ‘Photo Gallery & 11 Logo Openers’ isn’t at the quality standard needed to continue forward with the review process on VideoHive. As the submission is too far off the standards we require, you’ll be unable to re-submit on this occasion.

Comments from your Quality team

Thank you for taking the time to submit your item. Unfortunately this item does not meet our quality requirements and cannot be accepted at this time.

The item does not meet our minimum design, animation, and technical requirements. We strive to accept professional quality projects, and unfortunately this submission doesn’t quite meet that criteria.

When reviewing projects, in addition to overall quality of design and execution, we take into consideration the flexibility, usefulness, appeal to a broader audience and broadcast readiness of the file. Unfortunately we don’t feel as though this project meets the standards we have set for these criteria.

We look forward to seeing more of your work.

This was the passage, so do I have chance to upload it again?

No, this is Hard Reject. You should remake it massively.

What i see:

  1. There are no transitions, in / out points in scenes. So they look like set of different videos. They are not connected. Add Intro, transitions or in/out for scenes
  2. Bad Typography. I would change font, and animate in in other way with better reveal. + It is unreadable in some scenes.
    Change fonts and their animation

So if every scene will have In/Out + Nice typography - I think, it might be accepted

btw, BG footages are nice, I think, there can be demand. But as for AE project this isn’t enough.
You can try accept set of these BGs as motion graphics category

Thank you for explaining me, I’ll change it as you said and I hope they will except it.

Peace… :wink:

Wish you luck!

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I have just seen your portfolio. And you have quite the same project but without photos. This also might be a reason, cause they are very similar. So really try to add all those things, i think it should work.

And this footages are way better goes with texts, than photos. Medium Bold Fonts are good here. Like envato logo in the end.

Thanks, I appreciate your help! :innocent: