[Hard Rejected] What I need to change after hard rejection?

I’ve just had a hard reject and I dont understand what’s wrong with my theme.
This is HTML landing page theme

Can anyone tell me want wrong with it?
Please help me

With all due respect it is a long way off the standard.

  • Firstly avoid using the word THEME for HTML TEMPLATES - it causes confusion with in experienced buyers.

  • The basics in the file e.g. alignment, spacing and particularly the typography all need a lot of work.

  • There’s no proper footer

  • Numerous things to look at and improve on mobile

  • You also need to add more features, consider both a one page and a multi pageversion and bring the design up to date - right now it feel like a pile of sections with some animations but which lack premium visual appeal

Thank you for your answer.
Can you explain the last point? What do you mean by “one page and a multi pageversion”?

One page templates is the most crowded category on the marketplace.

You give yourself a much better chance of approval and to compete if you have a one page version (like you have) and then create a second version which uses multiple pages e.g. about, contact etc.

The number one issue to address is the typography and design elements but as it is now just feels like several sections without necessarily having a logical hierarchy behind them

Thanks a lot. Now I know where I was wrong and what to do :thumbsup: