Hard rejected item

I recently tried to upload a html, css items on codecanyon but I got ‘Hard rejected’ clearly saying, it doesn’t meet quality requirements.

I am not a fresh author, i have 30+ items on codecanyon.

Can you review and let me know my mistakes?

1- https://3d-hover-animation-button.netlify.app/
2- https://3d-hover-animated-text-rotation.netlify.app/
3- https://3-column-responsive-cards.netlify.app/


With respect unless there’s something I’m missing then there is not a lot to these that could not be found for free online if not coded very easily.

  1. Most similar items offer extensive sets of colour, shapes, sizes, alternative effects (but again there are many free versions on line)

  2. Doesn’t work on mobile and very easy to download for free

  3. These are effectively icons boxes? Not hard to create but you could improve this one more easily than the others by extending the size, shape and dimensions of the cards, adding different button effects, adding things like zoom, flip or entire colour switch effects to the cards etc

Thanks, for valueable reply.

I want to know that why Envato reviewer team not explain these points? Instead of writing Hard Rejected

By the way i will follow these instructions and lets see what happen next…

Can i send you message personally before sending item for revieing to envato team?
I think you are excelent in explaining problems.


They get thousands of submissions every month - to give any feedback per item would delay reviews by weeks

If items are close then they do give feedback but if items are far off then the value of giving feedback is minimal as there is a danger, based on having submitted something which is away from the standards, that an author may not understand it which would lead to even more frustration

If you want feedback the best option is to post it here -

  1. you get feedback from different sources and experts far more qualified than me

  2. we get a quite a few messages about different topics so we tend to not reply to any just in the interests of fairness