"…The item does not meet our minimum design, animation, and technical requirements… "
Hello here, i seek advise driving me in the right direction. what really makes this project to get rejected.
"…The item does not meet our minimum design, animation, and technical requirements… "
Hello here, i seek advise driving me in the right direction. what really makes this project to get rejected.
Hi. In my opinion, it’s too repetitive about camera moves. Camera angle and orientation are always the same. Light leaks look not very well integrated with the rest of the project. Search for other slideshows already approved here and you will see why your work was rejected. Besides, there are tons of slideshows like yours on Videohive, so you have to make an outstanding project to get an approval.
Good luck!
Hello friend, Sorry for the rejection. You can get the idea from the authors ’previous answers. I agreed with him. I would also like to give an idea for this. If you can change background texture or change spot lighting with different angel. because your lighting is even. therefore balance your lighting. Add small vignette effects too. Then you can make a great depth view.
Good luck!
Thank you.
Thanks! This is my first slideshow so I’m not too upset as I expected a similar result. Of course I will work on improving the quality in my projects. Thanks for the tips!
Thank you very much! Your advice helped me a lot to understand what is wrong in my project. Now I see the flaws. Thanks for the help!
You´re welcome