Halloween Flyer HELP!

Before submitting the flyer i just need your precious ideas about the design and arranging layers…
file info
CMYK | 300 dpi | A4 Size (0.25in bleeds)
Final low

The text is probably ok, but it is hard to figure out what the mods want in Halloween flyers, (l am still trying to figure that out) but the two l got through have so far have each sold, so…

The only advise l can give at present, is don’t put up one image with little else, and possibly don’t try to wrap skulls and pumpkins around drinks, (but that is more guesswork at the moment).

Or to put it another way, don’t be scared of rejection.

Good luck.


PS l would add some more elements, lighting affects etc…

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Thanks for your helpful idea. this could help me improve a lot. :slight_smile:

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Sorry mate but you rippred off mine>


I dont think there will be any problem with the Font coz it is a free font.
however, if it is going to create a problem for the design, I can change it!!

You’ve just copied the whole text layout, you’ll have to come up with something different unless you want to get a DMCA. Plus you need to work on the colours, your witch doesn’t look spooky or cinematic at all. She just looks obviously placed over a background, there’s not much atmosphere to the scene.

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Yh i do agree you. I’ll try a different one. Moreover, Thanks for the idea.