Guys, what are the rules for using AudioJungle tracks in AE templates?

Hi guys! I’ve got two questions;

  1. If we buy a track from AudioJungle, can we then include it in our templates and state in the description “Includes Music”?

  2. If we don’t buy the track, but use the Watermarked version, can we use that version both for the promo trailer and also place it within the AE project file for the template and direct people to the place where they can buy the track on AudioJungle?

Thanks guys for any help you can give me, am super new to this!


  1. No you cannot do that. Buying a license does not grant you resell rights.

  2. I’m not sure if it’s explicitly prohibited to include the watermarked track within your project, but it could confuse your buyer and won’t serve any purpose anyway as your buyer wouldn’t be allowed to use it themselves. You can however include the watermarked track in your item preview. All you’re required to do then, is to put a link to the AJ item in your item description.

Hope it helps :slight_smile:


Brilliant dude, thanks so much!!

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