I am new here
My first template got rejected.
I have uploaded a html template and i got hard rejection just 5 mins after uploading.
Here is my demo
Can someone please suggest me how can i approve this and what is my fault
Thanks in advance
In my opinion, before any other action and submission, read all the tutorials of this link carefully and patiently. Then start practicing and practicing and practicing.
good luck.
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Thanks for your reply.
Can you please tell me what is my mistake in this template?
I will be greatful to you
Jus compared your work with the lateste submisions I think this should answer your question. This will never get accepted!
Sorry for I say you that your design is too basic
Lists for you need improvement design:
etc etc
Your need start to practicing more more more for approved themeforest but you can see for example other designs themeofrest approved for give some ideas.