Google Analytics feature

I recently discovered that there’s a Google Analytics feature in our Dashboard panel / Settings.

I don’t know for how long it’s been sitting there :slight_smile: but now it is.

It has an only <text_field> that says Tracking code.
And then a checkbox to “agree with Envato terms of use”.

Has anyone tested this feature out ? How would one enter the “tracking code” from Google there.
I have been using Google Analytics for my websites, and as far as I know, you need to enter,
a tracking code which is more than 1 line (10-11 lines of code) in the beginning of your files,
in your website.

How is it working for Audiojungle ?
Should we enter only the ID of the Tracking Code which looks similar to “UA-1284xxxxx-x” ?
What pages does it track ?

cheers all


Yes this code is enough for google analytics = Screenshot by Lightshot

“UA-1284xxxxx-x” ?


thanks !

Whats this? and how do you find the ID?

Hey @Pandocrator
How create your GA Id
how to get your id

it seems it’s good I started a thread :slight_smile: Using Google Analytics, which is a free software by Google, on the side of professional website developer, you get many functions and statistics about your page. In this case, about your Audiojungle / CodeCanyon / ThemeForest / etc profile and items.

Most of all, you have all of your stuff in one place, you don’t need to jump from item to item to view few statistics. You have tons of statistics and can watch what item did best. Say you need to see your top 10 items and how they did during a particular timeframe you select. You can do that. And much more.

I’m sure the guys @ Envato knew that this was one thing they should implement.


also, you have real-time statistics in Google Analytics, which you can keep open,
so you can see what item / category / etc is viewed from your Envato portfolio in any second :slight_smile:

what greater thing can exist ? :stuck_out_tongue:

cheers all


Sounds very nice but like a nightmare to set up?

If you used to use Google Analytics for your website (s), it is a breeze. It means it is already configured for you and that you’re just adding just another property. You copy the Property ID, paste it into your Dashboard, and there you go.

If you do not have your own website with Google Analytics set up for it, or if you’re not a web developer, it might seem very hard indeed. Use your savvy friends. Good luck! You will thank yourself for this over the long run.


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Basically, for those of you that don’t know Google Analytics,
you can watch a tutorial or read a blog post on how to start your Google Analytics account (it’s free).

Then, go downmost left, Admin,
then you can see with blue up-middle “Create property”.

Click that, choose “website”
then add your Website Name for the property (can be anything)

then at Website URL select “https://” then write something like “<your_user_name>”, without the quote marks,

Then select your industry category (arts & entertainment), for catalog purposes for the guys at Google

then select your Timezone.

and you’re done.

Then, if you look at Property settings or in the [code] that it gives you,

you can see something like
Tracking Id


xxx should be numbers, but i replaced mine with xx-es.

That “UA-128…” is the string that you will now insert into your Envato Dashboard,
for Google Analytics code.

And you’re done.

Now Envato knows your Google Analytics ID,
so when you look in Google Analytics you will get statistics directly from all Envato pages that you own,
across all other sites (ThemeForest, CodeCanyon, etc.)

Pretty neat.


‘sites URL’ field says “Invalid default URL” when I wrote<my_user_name> (without the quote marks)


https already there in dropdown select so you should avoid to type again just start from audiojungle…


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Thank you!

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in my dashboard/settings/author tool there isn’ t google analytics…why?

I think it is only for exclusive authors

Google Analytics access to all exclusive authors, regardless of whether or not they are elite.

hi, i need help…

i have an analytics accounts, i choose web and i get id. than i put in videohive.
can view realtime data ( if i visit my item with phone , i se 1 from cellular ) but analytics don’t save data… all tab are always 0.

then i change to 3 option ‘’ app web ‘’ web with prec onfiguration, change id and doesn’t works…
BUT! old one continue show realtime
even if I changed id on videohive

please be noted that Home page result effect on the end of the day 00:00 AM. So, the home data you will be able to see next day.

Hi when Im trying to add Tracking Code to my Google Analytics Settings I get this error “Tracking Code doesn’t look valid”

my code is Ex: G-QNTXXXXXXX