Google Analytics feature

Getting “Tracking Code doesn’t look valid” error. Any solution?

not yet bro :thinking:

This is an old post. May be that’s why the mods aren’t replying. I guess we should post a new one with the issue.

yes maybe :wink: ok so lets write new one I will follow your post ok :+1:t2:

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My code looks like (I’ve changed the numbers to random ones, but kept the format)


So look for something like that.
Cheers! and good Luck! <3

Thank you so much for the beautiful explanation. :upside_down_face:

Sorry if I’m stirring up a resolved thread, is it possible Envato could consolidate its own analytics into an author platform from its own engine results and click-throughs rather than strictly GA?

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So Google announced that they don’t support Classic Universal tracking anymore. Now we can only start GA4 tracking IDS and when I try using it I get the same error: Tracking Code doesn’t look valid
The code is similar to G-XXE95TDXXX
Any clues?

envato don’t start Google Analytics 4 implemetation till now. Hope they will implement GA4 soon and before 30th June, 2023.

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