Generate Token

I have purchased the Jeg Portfolio plugin
I followed the steps to Generate The token but it fails all the time.
Could you help me?

Hi @mkli73,

Envato API personal token:

You can generate Envato API personal token here . Please make sure you set required Token permissions. It may prompt you to sign into your Envato account

Before you create a new token the following 3 permissions should be selected from the list of permission available on the Token page.

  1. View and search Envato sites (checked by default)
  2. Download the user’s purchased items
  3. List purchases the user has made

Hope this will help you.


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Than you for your reply.
I am trying this but I receive this msg
“Failed to validate license, please check if required access is granted when token created, also please check to make sure if your account already bought the item”

Please contact the author of your purchased plugin, the plugin author will assist you.

How to contact an author to get support or for any technical query:

Hi @mkli73,

I’ve checked the Envato account that corresponds to the email address that you’re using here in the forums, and it has not purchased the Jeg Portfolio plugin. That’s likely the reason you’re receiving this error. Is it possible you purchased the plugin using a different Envato account? If so, you’ll need to create the token under the account where you purchased the item.


Hello thank you for your reply.
I have an annual subscription with envato.
Attached you could see my downloads history.
There is no option to buy just only to download.

Thank you

Elements items don’t come with support, updates or purchase codes so cannot generate tokens

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Thanks so much for your reply.
So there is another place where I can purchase these plugins?

You can get full copies of most items for sale on elements using where you get 6 months support and lifetime updates (usually via tokens).

Thank you very much.