I don’t know were are we making mistakes. We followed the instructions for upload. We tried to upload different stuff, but we get rejected. This is our latest attempt.
We searched the graphicriver and we fount similar quality items that were accepted so we think we are making a mistake in the upload process. Our files contain original items and are accordingly named.
hi this is too raw buddy … the global style is lacking originality a bit and same goes with the lay out indeed. The typo is too simple, lacking variations and font combinations. here typo is much of an important issue and u are miles away from what they expect for about this … in addition there is a readability issue with the yellow, the text is not only popping out enough as well. Texts and elements are not well positioned as well as both the header and footer turn out to be too close from edges and this is preventing from “breathing”. The fake “logo” is not selling what u have done, u need a true professionally executed logo for the preview that underlines and improves what u have done otherwise …
Hi all.
We uploaded a new item (attached screen). I still can seem to understand the reason of why we got rejected again. I can understand that our previous graphic was simple but we took some time and made a new one. We made everything editable and we took into consideration all the restrictions of Facebook and we adjusted the graphic so it looks good on desktop as well as on mobile.
Still can’t seem to understand the approval process…
hi this is part of the reason but not only indeed … it turns out that your item is a bit too raw in a general way, too , apart from being a bit too simple graphic wise … what i mean by that is that from the very huge contrast , plain color shapes and so on, there is a rather lack of harmony resulting from what u have done here as well as too much simplicity of “lack of work” graphic design speaking. A good example is the background, blurring a thing might be an idea but this is not properly executed so that the item’s background looks good enough as such, only with this …, in addition, texts of the footer are too compressed in the bullet right now, the bullet should be thicker and there should be more space over and most importantly under so that the texts do not look like chocking like this … u should place shadows here are there to smoothen the item and to make sure that it looks more realistic too … u should think about complementary colors or shades of the same color so that u generate more harmony color wise . i also tend to believe that u would be inspired to have melted pictures in the back that are in keeping with the theme in front of so that people realize that this is very adaptable and in attempt to set more coherence to what u have done