Find Audio Jungle music used in AE template

Hello, I need to find the music used in this AE template. I see no way to contact the author and the name of the Audio Jungle track is not included in the help files.

Thank you!


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Thank you very much. That’s it. I really appreciate your time in finding the title for me.

Hello, unfortunately I can’t find the music for one of my preview videos on the AudioJungle website. I forgot its name. There used to be a software that recognized the audio sample. Does such a thing still exist?

I find it odd that so few music authors are outraged by this state of affair.

We have our assets being used without being credited at all on a competing platform that has literally killed our income.

Staff told us something was being done about it… five years ago. Now when we confront them about it, they tell us to shut up and threaten us with banning us.

How can music authors be ok with such lack of respect? We’re being treated like Envato’s and video template authors’ doormat. How come everyone seems happy with this disgrace?

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