feedback on rejection

Hello guys, my track has been rejected and i would love to get your feedback about what are the things i need to improve in. I would be grateful if you could spare a minute and gave the track a listen . Thank you so much. It would be really useful for me . Have a nice day :slight_smile:

Hi there,

The composition is OK but the production just isn’t there.

For one, the track appears overly quantised and lacks that hand-made feel typical for this kind of music. What’s worse, the samples have a cheap, plasticky quality - for example the piano in the beginning already sounds rather unpleasant and uninviting, the drums lack character,etc.

While the mix is OK in that you can hear everything, it is also rather top-heavy, lacking warmth and punch as well as width. Because of that and the sample quality the track sounds dated and cheap, as opposed to dynamic, natural and hand-made.

Finally, the ending is bad - you should really play the tonic chord there. You always want to have a clear ending in music for videos.

Hope this helps. Good luck!


Hey :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t3:

Try to listen top tracks here on AJ, especially in your favorite styles. Try to achieve that quality and sound. Your music must meet the profession standarts and have commercial value for video projects. Also I can recommend to learn on YouTube tutorials, courses more and keep going to write music. Write the music you would buy for yourself.
The quality of tracks on AJ is improving day by day so you have to match this and permanently work hard and learn I believe.
I wish you will get it!

Cheers :call_me_hand:t3:

Thank you so much , i will work on the pointers you mentioned . Thank you once again for taking your time to give me feedback. Have a great day :slight_smile:

I shall do that for sure. Thank you for taking your time to comment . Have a great day :slight_smile: