feedback my first design html, I will submit themeforest HTML..

Hi to all:

I need feedback my finish design all are working responsive, etc, if I need submit themeforest.


Please help me thanks :slight_smile:


Looks very like so many other restaurant files already for sale. You need to find something more unique and stand out.

Typography could be better - that title font is very brave

Spacing and padding could be improved esp. around titles, body copy and contact info

Mobile issues with slider images stretching, maps,font alignment in places

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Thanks I not will submit themeofrest because problem sale other themeforest, but I practice html only but thanks for your help me. but I not want copy other sales themeforest but I will make .psd and html new idea.

a question, do I can add file .psd for submit html themeforest if accepted? thanks.

It’s up to you - not if you are selling the PSD separately

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Thanks, regards.

Reservation form, Text need to improve, Header look good (y)

Good luck!

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The work looks great, nice animation.
I would corrected the transition to the section so that it would reach only the spy menu panel rather than under it as it is now and add a favicon)

Good Luck!

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Many thanks for all for feedback my website regards. :slight_smile: