Exclusive or Non-Exclusive one more time

I sold that track two times in the first week. I don’t say that other places are more powerful, audiojungle is my absolut favorit, but they reject some of my tracks and the way to make that tracks useful is to sell them on other, not exclusive, places.

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Ok cool! ; -)

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But i talk about sales progress!
I don’t know about current Search Algorithm on codecanyon but here on audiojungle since 3 days after approval you’re track become almost invisible.
Before December all was just perfect and sales was so good.
So the question is to wait for Search algorithm improvement or become non-exclusive and spread all stuff through other places?
Would like to hear anything from non-exclusive authors who became non-exclusive after being exclusive a while here.

I think it’s better to be exlusive author…

Good thread… this is a tough topic as I’m dealing with the same issues/thoughts.

I think the larger your catalog, the more you should consider doing non-exclusive. I think becoming active in the AJ community will help get you known as an artist, but at the end of the day, there are so many music libraries out there, you’d be better off hedging your bets and trying non-exclusives to see how that pans out.

I’m kind of in your same boat and am contemplating which route to take myself.

Best of luck to you!

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It depends on how many items you have and how big your reputation is. If you have a lot of items and you have a rapport with your demographic community, it’s better to be non-exclusive because then you give the flexibility to the customers to buy your items from where they want, not where you want, and different customers are loyal to different brands.
If you’re small however, then I would say it’s better to be exclusive and work your way up specifically on AJ because other platforms typically don’t have as high a sales volume for audio, or if they do, the author payout rates are lower, so it’s not worth it to spread yourself thin early on.
If you experience a rapid growth on AJ in a short time or moderate growth over a long time after carefully worked songs, then that also indicates that your songs are particularly appealing to buyers on AJ and it’s more than likely that you will make more money staying exclusive to AJ than trying to fit in with other platforms. For some authors, this is the case like Lumen Media or Ubazon, and others like FxProSound this is not the case.


I am very agree with this point.

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