Time to change...

I am considering the serious idea of changing my account to non-exclusive for the first time. The drop sales that I have seen is leading me to the idea of evaluating new libraries and new marketplaces.
The thing is that I have 103 exclusive items here, not a huge portfolio but I can say I have some tracks to sell. I might have two solutions:

  • Making the account non-exclusive and sell my tracks elsewhere raising the price a bit because it would mean earning less money from a single license on AJ.

  • Staying exclusive here with my 103 items and making new non-exclusive tracks to sell on other platforms (always with my name stardust1). Obviously I would upload some tracks sometime here.

All of my tracks here are signed with a PRO and some libraries do not accept PRO music, so it could be a problem. What would you advise me to do? Remain exclusive or going non-exclusive (with one of the two options)?

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I would say non-exclusive. It’s a pretty big catalogue to just sell in one place and times are uncertain. For me the power is in multiple places although I have to say that a lot of libraries don’t have a lot of traffic. AJ is still one of the best.


Newbie opinion incoming :sweat_smile::
I went fully non-exlusive about month ago and it brought me nothing but decreasing income by now. The advantage is most libraries allow to sell multiple versions separately wich can inflate your catalog by ~4 times and diversify the traffic. I think it will bear fruit in the long run.
Keeping part of the portfolio exclusive would make sense if you join entierly exclusive library, because you never know how some specific track would show itself on other marketplace. Would be a pity to hide a potential bestseller.


“…Making the account non-exclusive and sell my tracks elsewhere raising the price …”
On other sites, the number of sales will be much less.
Moreover, keep in mind that you will receive 30 percent from the sale there.


Yes, I know,. Infact I can’t keep the price now at 29 dollars for the more complex items but at least at 39. The fact is that, in the last 40 days, for the last items I’ve uploaded I have made very very few views and zero sales. This is why I am thinking of this idea.

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I recommend the first option. It works well for me (One year of work. 90 files).
I noticed that files that don’t sell on audiojungle are selling very well on other sites


Yeah, I made my account non-exclusive but I have to wait 30 days until the change is done. But I think it’s the best options right now, so I can use again all of these items. Thank you!

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I was always non exclusive (about 8-9 years!) and i feel it was the right decision for me. I don’t see many reason to be exclusive, since there are a lot of other opportunities for your music out there…


Getting 75% of the sales price is a pretty good reason, I think :blush:


yes but going to other places you could get more sales.
it is a matter of where to shoot your bullets and how much shoots you want to have.

in my experience, there are highs and lows in each place, that most of the time level out.